OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To Synchronize Penetrations with Cutting Elements

You need to create a clash file and update the model before synchronizing the penetrations with the cutting elements.
  1. To synchronize penetrations for a "changed position" of the cutting element,
    1. Select the cutting element and change its position in the model.
    2. Click Synchronize from the Penetrations group on the Collaborate ribbon.

      The Penetration Manager dialog opens.

      The Position Change Status is added as a tree view on the left panel of the Penetration Manager dialog.

    3. Click Apply Changes in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After applying the changes, the Position Change Status is removed, and elements are moved under Penetration Created Status.

    4. Click Update model in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After updating the model, it moves the penetration openings in the geometry.

  2. To synchronize penetrations for a "changed dimension" of the cutting element,
    1. Select the cutting element and modify its properties by changing the dimensions.
    2. Click Synchronize from the Penetrations group on the Collaborate ribbon.

      The Penetration Manager dialog opens.

      The Dimension Change Status is added as a tree view on the left panel of the Penetration Manager dialog.

    3. Click Apply Changes in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After applying the change, the Dimension Change Status is removed, and elements are moved under Penetration Created Status.

    4. Click Update model in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After updating the model, it aligns the penetration openings in the geometry.

  3. To synchronize penetrations for a "deleted" cutting element,
    1. Select the cutting element and delete it from the model.
    2. Click Synchronize from the Penetrations group on the Collaborate ribbon.

      The Penetration Manager dialog opens.

      The Deleted Status is added as a tree view on the left panel of the Penetration Manager dialog.

    3. Click Apply Changes in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After applying the change, the Deleted Status is removed, and elements are moved under Penetration Created Status.

    4. Click Update model in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After updating the model, it deletes the penetration openings in the geometry.

  4. To synchronize penetrations for a "new cutting / host element added" in the model,
    1. Place a cutting element or host element in the model, create a clash file and update the model from Penetration Manager dialog.
    2. Click Synchronize from the Penetrations group on the Collaborate ribbon.

      The Penetration Manager dialog opens.

      The Create Penetration Status is added as a tree view on the left panel of the Penetration Manager dialog.

    3. Click Apply changes in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After applying the changes, the Create Penetration Status is removed, and elements are moved under Penetration Created Status.

    4. Click Update model in the Penetration Manager dialog.

      After updating the model, it creates the penetration openings in geometry.